Dear Covid-19, I put ginger and turmeric in the eddo leaf bhaji and..

Dear Covid-19, I put ginger and turmeric in the eddo leaf bhaji and it taste good. I only tried it because of you . I also put in green mango for the first time, picking it from the tree in the yard and feeling gratitude for the farmers and all those involved in the food supply and distribution and hoping that you stay away from them.

Covid-19,  I keep running from you which is not what I do with problems and fears.
And so it is new thing I am learning as I do not go through with thinking that I should embrace you, love you and then deal with you, rather than avoid meeting you

Dear Covid-19 ,  today I felt relief when I heard the "Inside, inside' of the woman who comes weekly to beg and who always wants a lil more. Her voice sounded strong and I am glad she is not sick.
She was cheerful.  She took out this bottle of blue liquid and rubbed up.. and the smell is enough to chase away anyone, and hopefully you.   She taking the virus seriously, as she looks forward to her birthday next week.

But she has to walk and beg. All those who keep talking about lockdown and so are not talking about how they will look after her while she can't go and walk and beg , and everyone else is on 'lockdown'.

She was cheerful though, and in a time of social isolation, it was nice to have the brief human interaction. Due to you Covid-19 , I realise that the I gave her was payment for her optimism and hope.

Covid-19,  I think of you and the PNC and the PPP and the elections in Guyana.  You have come at a time of great division and mistrust and uncertainty. You can flourish in this environment. You can exist in any body regardless of how the body voted.  With all the potential for chaos, for further craziness, because of you Covid-19.. I am eating every meal as though it will be my last, enjoying every drop of water on my skin as though it will be my last one, every decent human interaction as though it will be my last one.

But you provide this opportunity, for people to try to join to fight this thing together.. , even though our history is more of fighting each other than fighting any one thing together, you Covid-19.. you provide this opportunity.

And I will be grateful to you, if because of you, those who do not want to be governed by the other, can try to come together and remind themselves of their connection to each other.


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