Psst, hey man,psst, run away from your rightful place..

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Psst, hey man,psst, run away from your rightful place
Run away from that place man to the wrongful place where men in leadership don't  want you to go

Psst, hey man,psst, run away from your rightful place there shouting 'white/fat/chineee/red/fine/sexy/whatever comes to your mind at the girl or woman  walking on the road.  Run away from that place man to the wrongful place where men in leadership don't  want you to go, to that place  where any woman, human being should feel safe to walk down the road . Yeah, I know , many of us voted for men who have contempt for women.

Psst, hey man,psst, run away from your rightful place where you watch other men harassing women  or any other person they think is not like them, watching like how I watch sometimes without saying anything because you not sure if to fight or to become involved in the fight or to mind your own business. Run away from that place man to the wrongful place where men in leadership don't  want you to go , to the place where other men don't think you expect them to harass women or any other human being who is not like you or them.

Psst, hey man,psst, run away from your rightful place where you skimmed the headlines that 1 in 2 women in Guyana experienced some kind of violence from one of us, the rightful place which then generates 'men need help' and 'men are victims of the women who harass them and argue with them and have more rights than them and that men use their fists, guns, cutlasses, knives. penises because women's tongue and that women are getting the rights you are entitled to is dangerous to you
Run away from that place man to the wrongful place where men in leadership don't  want you to go, to zero tolerance for abuse, to saying no to the violence, not in your name or in the name of your penis do you expect any man to beat up or rape or abuse any woman other man the same way. Or that any man should endure abuse from anyone else. That there is no excuse for abuse, no rationalisations.

Psst, hey man,psst, run away from your rightful place where you think that because is your women, your child, you can shout, beat cuss them without someone else telling you what to do.
Run away from that place man to the wrongful place where men in leadership don't  want you to go, to the place where you don't have to abuse those you want to love you.

Psst, hey man,psst, run away from your rightful place where you condemn homosexuality and gay men, where you walk past two men sitting on a bench and ask 'which one is the man , which is the woman' even though the two men have not told you they are lovers,
Run away from that place man to the wrongful place where men in leadership don't  want you to go to that place where you understand sexuality is fluid, that gender identities are fluid and that the fear you have that giving gays rights is that gay men will treat you the way some men treat women.

Psst, hey man,psst, run away from your rightful place, the place where you think gay men should pray hard, get married to women and hide, and preach that Satan is working through the men and women who say that same-sex, same-gender love and desire are okay.
Run away from that place man to the wrongful place where men in leadership don't  want you to go, to the place where men who are not heterosexual don't have to fool themselves or their God or their women, where they don't have to live double lives

hey man.. psst yeah you.. the one preaching against abortion .. run away from the rightful place where you keep holding on to God's word, and don't remain silent.. run away to the wrongful place for vasectomies for the men who cause unwanted pregnancies

Psst, hey man,psst, run away from your rightful place where you like to talk about babysitting your children or looking after your children in your spare time, or when you feel like it, or when the sweet woman give you time to spend time with them.
Run away from that place man to the wrongful place where men in leadership don't  want you to go, to the place where fatherhood is 24/7, where fatherhood is not a  hobby, where if anyone asks what you do.. you could start off by saying you are father first, anything else second. And that it is okay if men don't want to have children or don't have children.

Psst, hey man,psst, run away from your rightful place where they tell you that men have to look the part, have be young , muscular, full head of black hair, dressed up nice, tie on the neck which has to be loosened as soon as you want to relax, shirt sleeves that are to be rolled up when you want to relax..
Run away from that place man to the wrongful place where men in leadership don't  want you to go, where the suit in hot weather makes no sense, and where the tie is not a symbol of respectability, where respect is not about the clothes anyone wants to wear and wear leaders don't have to dress the part.

Psst, hey man,psst, run away from your rightful place where they tell you to lead by example, it is okay, be your own man, it is okay for women to lead too , for you not to want to lead..
Run away from that place man to the wrongful place where men in leadership don't  want you to go, to that place where you follow by example, where in following you hold leaders accountable, where in following you resist oppression of yourself .

Run to that place where you learn in liberating others, you also liberate yourself, that in changing the history of masculine oppression of everything that is seen to be not masculine, everyone else's celebration of  everyday can  be your celebration too..


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