Lime water after the August full moon...

Breeze is cool , blowing on the skin as I sip from the large glass of a piece of the nice round lime squeezed into cold water.  The skin was full of sweat a half hour before as the body stretched and turned, part of the stretching and turning

All of this about two hours after thinking I could not move, and after a period of barely moving through as the dense fog clouded the mind, and the stress remained in the lower back .

August full moon. I watched the moon rise a few nights. The moon behind rain clouds and then in front. Beautiful.  There is no science I know. I thought I was doing okay, getting through day by day until I could not. Impotence raging and my thinking that this is it, you have no use for an erection and the universe has said to detach yourself from the useless things like the joy of doing nice work, and the pleasure from saying yes when requests coming instead of no's and the sense that I had some control over what a day would look like.

So the moon, brings the clouds.  Feeling exhausted and the rain inhibiting sleep - closing windows, checking leaks.  Knowing that the moon is full. Managing to interact with some people. Postponing things like trying to sort out the infestation of mice who are not dying from the rat poison laid down, and other important things.

The visit to the hospital, the patient though, surreal as no treatment was administered and the patient felt better.. maybe it was the need for a 'drive'.  And the Haitian man cheerfully saying in the ambulance 'J'aime bien ici' when all I want to do is to be as far away from ici as possible.

But stretching. Breathing.  The back is paining and I know they say to stop but I think as I rememebred the chocolate and so, why the hell should I stop.. the back will be broken at some point anyway, might as well enjoy what I could.. and the sweat coming down..

And then as the clouds darken for drizzles, and the breeze is cool, the fog seems to clear from the mind.  The lime water tastes good.

I think of the things I had set out to do this month, and which had stopped, and I feel I can do them again.

Until the next full moon which might decide otherwise.


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