Being okay even when you not feeling okay...

A man I love told me he is okay. I had  told him I was worried about him.  His resilience is inspiring. He has come through many things, and has managed to make progress in his life and to remain connected to the world around him. Recently though, I sense that there has been a change even as he survives and functions.

Man talk is like that ,  we okay . 

I tell him arite, because I know I say I okay when I not okay.  And I thought we done.

He replies :-
"I'm okay and you are right about the word "okay" it signals I made it to this moment.
I'm not happy I'm okay. It means at this moment I'm okay ...
Although I'm not happy that's okay
I'm worried but that is okay
I'm tired but it is okay
I want to be better than okay but that is okay.
I hope that I find the capacity to be better than okay.
To the above points ...I'm okay that I have work, home, food, travel, health, yoga and gym.
I wonder if I will ever have the strength to push for the things that I imagine would make me better than okay.
I know most of what I just wrote depends on me."

Another man I love who I am also worried about had said he was generally okay. He did not bother to say any more. He functions well, has survived and progressed. But the manifestation of the unresolved issues is telling on him now.

But man talk is like that.

Rain is falling, breeze is high and cool, and I have no umbrella. I am feeling the rain on my face and the shirt getting wet. I hold the camera quickly. I have messed up a few things, but in the moment, I feel the rain and wind and I am feeling okay.

 Acceptance of how we are feeling when things are not good is the first step in the journey to wellness.  Acceptance and awareness provide the opportunity of knowing, and dealing with, resolving when possible.

It is okay to not be okay.


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