Healing power of shared laughter...

The loved one and I faced each other , the tension there, which would erupt later into a toxic parting.
We talked, smiled and sometimes laughed at things said, forgetting the tension. We knew what would make us laugh together.

It wasn't enough though for us to sustain the connection between us.  but the moments of shared smiles and laughter have helped to make the necessary parting easier.

It is easy to forget and not be mindful of the laughter when there is a lot of pain and suffering and disappointment around.

The woman says she wants to talk to me about her depression. I tell her up front that I can't listen because of my head is in the wrongplace. I call though to discuss other places and so. And we laugh together during the talk , and mek joke about the depression and so.

The man has pains and is feeling depressed. His primary caregiver is resentful and surly and there is nothing for them to laugh about together.    He chats with a relative, they laugh and so.. he is happy. Some of his pain has gone. 

I am feeling exhausted.  I contact a cheerful youngster to gaff about nothing really. The cheerful response and the random talk about stupidness and being able to laugh together  helps. 

There is an irony in the love break up, and the woman I email tells me is good that I can find it funny.  I wish the loved one too at some point could have found our situation ridiculous, but it didn't happen.

I go to the shop and the man and I talk and laugh about how LED don't always mean low electricity. A market vendor and I laugh about the price he calling for the greens and about estimating a $100 without weighing.

I had taken shared laughter for granted.  I am mindful of it now. Grateful for its healing powers.


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