The woman who was quarreling in the minibus

"Is where yall going? Yall not going to town.. yall tell me yall going to town..." the woman shouted.
The conductor tried to explain that the bus was going to Georgetown

The woman raised her voice and said, no no...

The driver looked confused and started responding. I was shocked. The bus had been quiet. No music. Driver moving nice and slow, and conductor also quietly asking people 'if dey going down'

The voice was strong, trembling. I know the sound. The voice which might have been used to assert rights and dignity, but also now , as age and the confusion sets in,  communicates confusion.

"Where is the gas station.. is where yall carrying me.."

The gas station had been demolished for refurbishing.

My mind is on the phone calls from the woman who wanted to borrow money. Something wasn't right in the way she made the calls. My mind is on the other woman, consumate professional, dressed to go to work at her gate while the caregiver waits with her. They are not going anywhere.

There is an aging population in Guyana. There will be mental health issues associated with the aging.  There is need for healthcare and social services for the elderly. NIS does not cover treatment for 'diseases' developed after retirement.

Some of the people have no one to care for them. So the minibus drivers, and others who are on a vicious hustle have to figure out about 'disgusting' old people.

"But big man.. dey have nuff big people does come in dis bus and don't behave like duh"..the conductor responded to me as I begged him and the driver to tone down and understand about the dementia and confusion. A young woman in the bus understood.

I explained that people are different. Some people start losing the mind power earlier than others.

I learned that urinary tract infections in elderly women could cause a disruption in memory and in concentration and focus.

The woman kept complaining in the bus. The driver stopped the bus and asked her if she wanted to leave.

She said no no,, yall guh long.


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