Dear unexpected flowers on a gray afternoon ...

Dear pinkish mussaenda and red orchid

I did not see you all the time even though I must have looked your way. 
The afternoon was gray and as I looked around while standing on the bridge , I looked and saw to my surprise that the mussaenda which I thought had died and which I had forgotten about was actually blooming again. I saw buds on the dried sticks which had been my deep sense of failure at being able to maintain the yard and the few hardy trees which seemed to die when I attempted to nurture them.

I could not believe that you mussaenda are there again, faint possibility of what might be possible, even if not flourishing and growing almost wild like in other places.

As to you red orchid, I don't even know where you have come from. You are sticking out of an old tree, with another plant which is purple but there is something about the way in which you have been waving in front.

I don't know if I should pay attention to you and if you will wither up if I do pay attention. I think of the other dysfunctional relationship with the loved one who does not want to see me but wants to call every now and then to remind me about not seeing me while trying to make normal conversation on the phone. I could think instead of the other relationships which are not dysfunctional and in which people are glad to see me and to talk with me even when they disagree with me.

I could think of how the April goals were not met, and that the rest of the goals are not being met. But instead I will think of the unplanned task done which seems to please the people who asked me to do the task and which I had refused to do before.

So the unexpected flowers are not meant to be reminders of sad and painful things.

There is a blessing in both of you as the dark clouds hover. There is a lesson in that even as the dark clouds hover and the depression is difficult to manage, that it is important to try to look around and check and see what is there which is beautiful.

Thank you for that blessing.


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