My useless boycott of the "monument to corruption" the Guyana Mariott...

Image modified from  Guyana Marriott
Woman who sends a possible work offer at Marriott asks "Why do you boycott the Marriott" and I have to explain because she has probably forgotten about the protests at the opening of the Marriott, and the protests before from APNU and others about the PPP shadiness and corruption.

Another work offer would have had to be refused when I realised the venue is the Marriott. I stupidly write in quotations to people that I will not work at the Marriott Guyana. I have no idea what the cost will be in the long term.

I did not go to the protests at the opening. There only about 25 protestors and the police presence was heavy it seems and there was a lot of opposition.

The Government changed in May 2015 and some of the protestors stopped protesting the Marriott and started attending and participating and enjoying the benefits of the monument to corruption. The first big event was the 2015 USA Independence Celebrations .. the Americans said that this monument to corruption was okay. It makes a joke really of the war to stop police hustling for bribes on the road.

Man from a development agency laughs as he tells me'' man I would invite you to the thing but I know that you don't go to the Marriott"as he plans a big event with youths.. and I feel sad as it seems that my boycott is an eccentricity in a normal state of affairs where corruption and abuse of power can be legalised once the people you vote for are in power, and young people are co-opted into believing that some types of corruption are okay.  I want to ask him why don't he take his event to one of the closed sugar estates in Berbice or to Linden .

Guyanese continue to pay for the Marriott.. in addition to the taxpayers money used to host Government events there (is this some kind of way like when Bharat Jagdeo's people used to go to Buddy's ?) , we are paying millions of US dollars in debt for a luxury hotel.

Francis Bailey had done a video about the Marriott and its construction.

I had shared that video with a few people who asked.

A foreign traveler who uses the Marriott around the world and is some platinum card holder whispers to me after he can't understand why I refuse his invitation to dine at the Marriott..that .. this one is the worst of all of them, the service is not good and they are more expensive. He planned to let them know before he left.

A man texts me about going to the GTT Innov8.. I know the man wants me to witness his presentation and support his participation. . I tell him I boycott the Marriott and he doesn't reply.

The protestors at the opening did not stop the opening.  Many have stopped protesting the Marriott and have joined in its use.

My boycott does not stop the continuous abuse of public funds for the maintenance of a luxury hotel.  I can't join in the use of the Marriott though since I can't give a police or public servant a raise to get stuff done or not done.


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