Cold shower as evening medicine and other things..

Day was cool and the water through the shower is cold. Skin is feeling itchy , probably more to do with nerves which have trained the mind to anticipate itching all the time, than to do with any real itch. But skin is feeling itchy.

The cold water is like medicine on the skin. Apparently nerves will switch brain to new sensations. Body kind of cools down. Mind also cools down in a way. Cold water feels good on the head.  The water company is doing well with the water pressure. Sometimes though, the water leaves the skin itchy, but not this evening, so I stand under the cold water and try to think about what I could write about it.

Another time I wrote about dancing under the cold water to wake up in the morning.

These few weeks though, the end of year, beginning of year with lower temperatures.. the water is cold in the evening. And helpful.

Looking out the window at the grey sky. Cool breeze coming in. Mind is messed up but trying to put it in order. The screw ups are constant but cold water on the scalp seems to make them disappear.

Feeling anxiety about things to write about for the much decided writing job. Eyes have to be open, ears have to listen. Mind has to focus on things which are not relevant or trending. Then find words around it, try to make the thing interesting, probably have relevance.

Like writing about helpful cold shower in the evening in Guyana.


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