Request for nice business relationship in Guyana


Dear Sir/Madam
Peace and blessings be with you from Santa Claus and all other givers of gifts .  This letter will come as a huge suprise but your name has been shared with me as somebody who would like to do some nice business. That was about white powdery stuff but this is an opportunity for legal business

Please allow me to introduce my self. My name is Vidya Oil . I am the wife of the Minister of Oil. I am also the wife of the Minister of Money. And the wife of Minister of External Affairs of Guyana. They do not talk to each other so they do not know that they have the same wife. 

Exxon Oil Company has given millions of US dollars to the Government. Fortunately, everything is a secret. Some money is in the Central Bank.  Some of it is not in the Central Bank as there is no agreement on the amount.

Some of the millons of US Dollarsh I must transfer immediately out of Guyana. My husbands do not know of this amount of extra change from the signing bonus.

Please give me details of your bank account. Please send me the Account Number, Bank Address and the SWIFT CODE. 

Please also send me three documents showing proof of address. None of these documents should be issued by your Government. Proof of Address is used in by Banks in Guyana to prevent money laundering.

I will give you 10% of the total sum in reward for your services. The other 100% I will take from the account.

Please reply as soon as possible with the details of your bank account. And your proof of address.  If this transaction goes well, we can continue to do business and my husbands will never know.

May Santa Claus shower you with many Gifts.

(Mrs) Vidya Oil

(Please do not respond to any other similar requests to transfer oil money from Guyana. There are many tricksters who want to take advantage of nice people like you)


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