Blessing of sorrel lassi on a rainy day...

Rain pouring , place humid, though not cold. Floor still damp from the mop.  Feeling thirsty. The sugarless sorrel is there in the fridge with the Sterling yoghurt I bought to try to restore the bacteria in the stomach which might help with mental health and wellness.

It is easy to mix.. and put ice cubes in. Glass is cold as I hold it. It feels nice. The cold water is good on itchy skin for awhile. The itching hasn't gone away.. always there.. lurking.

Moon is out.. I try to work against it. Go on the floor to do the yoga and could not get far. Try it again and could not get far.  The dark clouds outside are like the dark clouds inside. 

Messages to the loved one who I probably should not be messaging go unanswered.  I realise I should back off and that what I might think is anxious inquiries into well being are overwhelming.  I back off fortunately. Clumsiness in understanding these ways of managing social interactions.. but at least now I know I am clumsy.

So the sugarless sorrel.. nice and red, the yoghurt, creamy.. and nice.. and water and ice. Sour drink, refreshing on the humid grey day. Pungent taste.. sipping.. the drink though is interesting as the yoghurt solids start to settle so that the drink gets more creamy as you get to the end.

And so I try to contemplate blessings and keep gratitude. As I lose control of the other things which would nurture wellness, I just have to look and see what is there, and not hold on to anything.


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