The quiet minbus...

Hot afternoon and place not so busy and everybody probably a lil sleepy.
Jump in a bus.. no conductor. Plenty bus driving without conductor.. maybe economic times.. so every now and I then I have to chip and sling the door .. or be malicious and go and sit in the back seat and wait for somebody else to chip and sling the door.

Driver is a oldish man.. spectacles, cap.. serious looking.  I say Good Afternoon and a few people reply. Not the driver though or maybe he said and I didn't hear.
We move off.  Bus is quiet. No music playing. No radio either.. some of the older drivers have their radio and so.. I had told a driver to keep the $20 change from the $100 because he had nice oldies. Some car men I know listen to Freedom Radio.

Bus is quiet. Place is quiet. It seem nice to meditate. Bus is moving at nice pace. Every now and then passenger would quietly call for their stop. Door open. Passengesr jump out.

People come in. Quiet good afternoon. Nice.. this is what Guyana could be. The louder and nastier the music, the less you hear the good morning/good afternoon.

At some point I hope somebody phone would ring. I want to hear a conversation... I remember the woman who tell somebody she going and pay she Courts bill and the conductor told me quietly she shouldn't do that because if there was a thief on the bus,  then they would know she got money. Or I remember the yougn man with the accent talking on the phone about somebody coming in from Paris and he want to go and meet them.  I remember a time in the train in England sitting in a carriage with 'Quiet/no Phone zone' on it . A woman told me that she likes these carriages because they were quiet.. the "phones are annoying and the conversations are fatuous" and I thought of the nice conversations I had listened to while I read a book from a woman who couldn't meet somebody because she was going to get vaccines because she was going on holiday to Tanzania .  At that time I did not know the meaning of the word fatuous but nodded politely. Guyana didn't have cell phone yet either.

But no phone rings.
I hope  somebody would meet somebody they know and have a nice conversation.. or that somebody would do something on the road and then we all get to talking.

Bus is nice and quiet though. Everybody thinking. I could have started humming a nice tune or so.. low key. I stayed quiet though.

Nice quiet bus. Rare thing.


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