Thanks to the moth who walked on my hand..

Night is humid and I wake up sweating when I wish I could just sleep deep forever. Get up to sort out windows, fan. Small moth flies in the net. I am too tired to chase it out the net.. it is not a mosquito or a cockroach.

Night is fitful.. have to switch speed on fan, then turn it off.. Sleep comes sometimes.. and I start thinking of the things I will do when I wake up. Night cools down a bit.
Moth sits on the same place in the net.

I envy the moth, it seems to be asleep.

5am and I am up, relieved the night is over . Moth is still there.

Time to get up. I move the net and start shaking it a bit.. lying on the bed and hoping the moth would fly out.

I feel a breeze on my the side of my palm. The moth is on my hand.
It is not a mosquito , which I could slap.. or a cockroach to chase away and go and run and wash my hands.

I lie down and move my hand and the moth walks across the palm.

It is a nice few minutes.. I forget everything else and look at the moth.  I turn the hand. I know the moth could fly off any time. This is the first time in my life that a moth has been on my hand. Mosquitoes have given me hickeys, lizards have jumped on me to eat mosquitoes or to jump on to other places. Cockroaches have not come near me really.

 Moth walks up the hand and down again. At some point I decide this would be a nice picture for a blog about those random moments which are nice. I get out of the bed and walk with the moth on my hand to get the camera.

Moth , like it knows.. it stays on my hand for the camera. I wonder if this is like some morning after cuddle after spending the night together.

The light in the house is not too good so have to come back to get a nice picture in the room. Light also means heat so is also time to really get up.

Moth flies off  before I could align the camera. I keep my hand steady and realise that it was like a test flight, and it lands back.

I wonder if it is eating something of my skin. I wonder if it is sick and if the thing would die on my hand.

I get the pictures. I  have to use one hand with the camera while holding the hand with the moth steady. It is not quite yoga , but well yoga in a way of bonding with the Universe. Well okay, the universe of nice things like moths and not cockroaches or mosquitoes.

The moth walks a bit more. I wonder how long it will stay. I feel like I have all the time in the world.
The moth flies away.

Whatever it got on my skin must have strengthened it.

I get up.. feel nice.

15 minutes later and one incident and I start remembering the things I had forgotten while the moth was on my hand.

But I don't forget the time that the moth was on my hand.


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