'Brazillian' limeade..

Place hot and there is lime and water there .. but mental health issues and I succumbed to the condensed milk purchase for the first time in almost 8 months ..

I remember the cart on the hot Boa Vista street when I asked for the limao drink . The man blended some pulp with ice, water and then he asked me when to stop pouring in the condensed milk...

I haven't had it again since then. I squeezed a nice round lime in the blender. I grated off some of the skin. Put some cold water and ice and then well put condensed milk in but enough not to be binging and with consideration that this is too much. I saw recipe which said to add sugar on top of all of this.

So the thing is nice and frothy. According to a teenager, it tasted like liquid cheese cake. Condensed milk tastes nice with passion fruit too.

The condensed milk started to curdle as the glass warmed up..but it was still nice and refreshing and different. I could have added essence of course.. 


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