Tea without sugar and without thinking too much..
Place hot and humid.. sun is out after morning rain. Work done.. thankfully.. two tasks one of which was not completed too well. Feeling anxious, and the unempty stomach and the stiff joints with pain lurking prevent the stretching and breathing which would help.
The restlessness prevents concentration and focus on work. One email requires emotional intelligence and listening. Others indicate appreciation. It is good to be useful.
Place hot but I put the hot water on the tea bag. There is no sugar outside.. it is tucked away because we not supposed to be using sugar. I decide no no.. no excuses for sweet. Today.
Put milk, cinammon, nutmeg which is around. Too lazy to find the elaichi.
Sipping is good. One sip at a time and the mind keeps whirling, but it is not whirling as much. There are many things to sort out. Same things keep coming up. Imaginary conversations people who have stopped talking to me.
But sip at a time, and for now.. things calm down. Tea is not sweet, but is okay.
Sweat breaks and skin feels clammy. But I guess it will cool sometime.
I couldn't sip cold water the same way.
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