Sipping cold lime water while mixing roti on a rainy day..

Is a rainy day to do nothing but the Universe dictates otherwise. The doing nothing is more in the mind though even though doing nothing is not the solution.
Anxiety deep as mind is fumbling about the other things I said 'yes' to. Thinking of how things could go and mixing up things.

But immediate here and now. Roti has to be mixed.  Mind can't focus and the hands can't move to take out the bowl and flours.

Step back. Pour a bit of lime juice and cold water in the glass. Just a little. So I could sip because the sour is a kind of reminder of coming back to the present. There are times when I have not felt the sour but thankfully the sour is there.

Sip. Mind thinking of the two things to write. Pour the wrong number of cups of flour and have to start over.

I know it is stupid and I have a pang that I will throw the lime water in the bowl. I move it one side. I don't know how I can sip while both hands have to be used for kneading.

Sip. Wait.. mind flowing.. hands in flour. Rubbing in the butter and mind wandering as I realise that I had finished a long time ago.

Pour the water wrong and the dough feels stiff. Kneading though and glass has some dough on it now.

Kneading and thinking and hoping that this will turn out okay.  Trying to stay focussed on the texture and so to know when to stop. Trying to relax and to smile and lighten up because I believe that these nice things go into the food.

A bit of lime water is left in the glass. I drink it off. I kind of exhale but not completely as I think of the other things.

The dough is difficult to wash off the glass.

I move on to the next thing.


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