passion fruit leaf bhaji?

Woman wrote a blog about eating passion fruit leaves. Sherlina said she tried in dhal and it wasn't bad. I said alright leh me try a ting

The leaves look nice. I taste some raw and it got nice tangy taste like how other raw bhaji types taste.  I cut up the leaves fine fine.  I put a bit of water in the frying pan and heat it.

I throw in the leaves and watch as the leaves dry down quick quick.  It is like spinach.

I wait for it to cool to taste it.

Texture is strange. Chewing it and chewing it and the juices are coming out, but the fibre is still there , unlike spinach. 

And the juices not as nice as the passion fruit juice. 

I wonder if I had boiled it down with some coconut milk.

Apparently, they make sambal with the passion fruit leaf.  Eaten  raw with lime juice and pepper and so.


  1. Strange new food, huh? Passion fruit grows like crazy round here, and I'm trying to persuade a farmer friend to try using the young leaves as well as the fruit. I will try to persuade a cook friend to use them in calalu cookup. And next time I make my veggie mush, I'll see how they work in pizza. Thanks for the reminder.


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