Dear bananas..

Dear bananas
I am glad you are sweet and nice. I have been eating a lot of you because I have read in one of those articles of dubious origins that say that you can do marvellous things . Things like help to reduce stress and anxiety, and to reduce cravings for sweet and help with relaxation. Relaxation and sleep.

I think it must be working in a way , in that I am not having the cravings as I used to. I walked into the ice cream place, looked at the ice cream and walked out.. instead of buying a hundred scoops of it.

I decided to do the bit of work rather than writing to beg off from it. I can't find your companion passion fruit to eat.. not much in the market, and those that are there are dodgy looking.

The thing is banana.. I wonder if I have eaten too much of you, that has me feeling sleepy, even while I am walking and if I am overdosing on the tryptophan.. but then again, I am not eating so much of you and the drowsiness is probably due to other things.

I know I have been bad and resumed the sugar thing, and not eating you alone. I am convinced now that if I stick with you rather than the junk, I will be able to get through things a lot better.

Things have been rough, and my mind has not been focussed. I think the moon has been moving around too so maybe that is why. 

I also hope that I don't binge too much on you, and then I will get fed up. I know you exist in many varieties and I know I could eat you in different ways but creativity would be needed.

Thank you for the help .  I hope that I could turn to you more often instead of some of the other junk which I have been in the habit of binging on.


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