Taxi driver with the listening skills..

A long day, struggling with blackout, Internet access, anxiety about teaching , including to a blind student and managing other things.. last thing was to go home.

I get in the taxi. Say Goodnight, and man doesn't say anything. He has on cap. Some drivers are like that I thought but my mind on home and the next day and the next day after.

An involuntary sigh comes out of my mouth as we do sometime when we around people who we think are not listening.

"Like you had a rough day... " the man asks. Voice is soft and level. Firm.

"Yeah.. was anodda one'.. I replied instinctively and the man said 'That is how it goes sometimes.. what did you do?"...

Counselling involves listening, and listening is a skill which involved opening statements to encourage talking. A woman called me Mr Deflector when she asked me how I was doing and i answered other questions. and shifted the conversation.

I laughed and deflected.. conversation shifted.. blind cricket. Taxi driver tells me about a comedian video he saw where a blind baseball player lashes a cat with a bell instead of the ball.  I deflect again to talk about the merits of blind having enhanced hearing.

Talk therapy is good, helps a lot of people. I don't bother with it myself as I have to actions outside of retelling narratives of constant fighting, and struggling and remembering and anxiety about things.

The drive was short.  Man said 'have a blessed night' as I came out the car.

I hope that he keeps asking his passengers though and listens and does therapy in addition to the "drop". I find myself sometimes listening to the drivers .. taxi men know a lot of things.


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