Using up the expired corn meal..

Page 257 of the Whats Cooking in Guyana has this pile of nice golden looking 'Corn Meal Hot Cakes' with butter and syrup on it.. the little bit of corn meal left over which has passed the expired date is an incentive to try a thing on a day when new things don't want to be tried.

Thing call for egg and I think nah.. let me see how it will work, let me average out because I don't have the full amount of corn meal that the recipe call for.
Is breakfast time and I know some people quickly cook up whole meals for breakfast, while others have oats or nothing at all.

So instead of oats, I mix up the expired corn meal, some flour, 1 tablespoon of oil b ecause I too lazy to melt the  butter and some sugar and baking powder and milk though not too sure how much milk.

Heat up the tawa and the recipe said.. let the thing bubble when you throw it on the tawa and then next thing you know the thing is bubbling and browning.

And then I say right.. time for jam.. because is a morning when sweetness is needed and the hot corn meal chota with the jam is like long lasting heavy comfort with the cup of coffee...
I know I can't eat like this every morning Unless I will run for 20 miles every day.. but yeah..
And I feel good, like I could do anything I want now...


  1. Lol, this post made me smile, ur so unique O.o fooddddd ... Interesting combination ..never had corn meal ... Well not that I am aware of ....


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