Raging, binging, clearning..and Waxing Gibbous phase..

Stomach is feeling sick after the binging on the sweet junk food. I remembered I had said no more the last time I binged and I said as I binged that this would be the last time
Until the  next time.

A woman I know said..'you arite.. ' and I say yeah.. i buyin' sweet stuff..

Coming out of the place with the sweet unhealthy crunchy stuff which would give relief and two young women stop to ask me if I want to sample some childish packaged drink ..

Big teeth showing. I thought it was some milk drink.
It is a milk drink with alcohol in it.  Packaged for children and  young people.

I barely hold back with the stuff in my bag which would kill slowly.

'Alcohol kills.. why are you selling alcohol... "

Big teeth shows.
"No.. what is wrong with you..  alcohol does not kill.. "

Part of me is like go home and eat the sweet thing ..

there is a part of me which says maybe no one has told them different.

"Why yall pushing drugs on young peole.. yall deserve better, is who making yall do this?"

They look at me smiling .

I continue.. you deserve better..  you are role models who could offer healthy alternatives.. I remember some old people who lecture young people and I realise I am far gone..

Early in the day the restlessness converted into cleaning a cupboard which had not been cleaned for years. 

I had been worried I would break something

Nothing was broken though.

There is more stuff for me to complete the binge even though the stomach is feeling a bit weird. But not too weird.

Moon has to move on..


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