Dear cane juice..

Dear cane juice...

Thanks for the time to sip you and get over the strangest Wednesday in my life.
Thanks for any nourishment you can provide to get through the morning after a sleepless night.

I am staring at the received calls.. two hours apart.. two loved ones. One not married, one married. One way younger than me, one not so much younger than me.
Both of whom as I talk to them I wanted to hug them and make them laugh.

Dear Cane Juice.. I am happily single and I not looking for any relationship. I have to deal with my mental health issues..

Dear cane juice.. the almost midnight chat with the married loved one on the way home.. hanging up and wondering.. should i have made you laugh louder, your voice sounded tired and strained, did you tell me everything?
I remember the one and only time when I was told I was crazy..

Should I have put on my counsellor hat.. like Shah Rukh Khan in Dear Zindagi and say.. let's go do something crazy like play kabbadi with the waves at the seawall at midnight ?  And there is something about the time.. the I reach home even though I am feeling uncertain that I was of any use ..

and the other conversation with laughter and so on with the younger loved one.. all kinds of things talking because as with many conversations.. and trying to not to think.. of when will this end and how will this play out
In between thinking of the shock of the elderly woman, professional, who called for a loan and thinking of how I navigate this.. and wondering about the poverty of the middle class elderly who have no one to ask for loans.

And thinking of the other things I have to do, none of which have been done..  and wondering about money and work and income and thinking I should have bought another cane juice to carry me through all the thoughts so I could get through the day after the strangest day...


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