The teacher who laughs, bleaching business and 6 other Facebook madness

1. Distraction
I am one of the statistics. I am mindlessly scrolling up and down the Facebook feed instead of doing some  boring tasks. There is lots to distract. I end up reading intelligent articles about social justice, gossip articles about people who might be gay or not gay, watching three minute comedy videos and news clips.

2. Quarrelling
I read things and my body crunches up.. people posting stupidness and I am itching to reply. I actually compose replies when doing other tasks and then get distracted from the tasks. I realise that I am getting more crunch ups than relaxation from laughing.

3. Fastness
I am indulging and overindulging in creeping and being fast. I am glad I still not creeping my loved ones. However, I then come across pictures of a teacher from 35 years ago. She laughs. She used to be grim, never smiled. Her back was straight, always straight. Her back is still straight. And she laughs apparently. She is no longer in Guyana, so maybe that is why.

I see people who I know didnt used to talk to each other or not talking to each other smiling up and so  and I go eh eh like dey mek up back, but den I get an offline Facebook alert dat no, dem aint mek up back but .. well...

4. Bleaching business
Ads keep popping up. Guyanese sponsored. I am fascinated at how people using social media. I see an ad for Action Coach.  Business thing. People I know like the Ad.

I walk in Kingston and go into the Action Coach building.

There is a counter selling bleaching products. Fairness cream. Something about businesses in Guyana exploiting the racial insecurities. The customer service is excellent though. The woman explains that the range. Some for teenagers. Some which could be used in sunlight.  Bleaching business is good business in Guyana.
You can buy wholesale.

Maybe the Ministry of Social Cohesion and the Ministry of Business will prepare  You can be Black and Lovely  posters and paste them up all over.

I wonder whether to comment under the Action Coach ad though.

5. Unfollow and Unfrenz

Every day once I on Facebook is anodda madness to add to daily dilemmas. Friend request coming in from strangers and den dey look lil spammy. And den I realise, hold on, dis is real people. But Den I dont frenz.

Den people I frenz seem to deh pun stupidness. So I say okay, leh me unfollow so dey could see contact. And some I unfren.

The time spent tinking about unfollowing and unfrenzing could have been spent thinking about how to plant garden or something like that.

6. To like or not to like..
I like posts and so on, and funny and angry and dem tings. But sometimes.. i mean.. like when men who tell me dey gay posting pictures and status about how much dey love dey wife/girlfriend..  or people posting jesus/allah/krishna status who I know sinning like me to hell an go..

7. To comment or not to comment
 I learn a lesson from a wonderful woman who told me that when dealing wid stupidness.. make sure that in the communication, you are not destroying anyone..  So I put comment, and delete quickly.  I post and edit and then go back and edit..

Like every time an OBG posting ting about how Guyana bad and so on.. i want to put a comment,  yall please mek sure Donald Trump dont tun President..

And den when I realise dat some of my FB frenz like Donald Trump...

8. To quit or not to quit

Facebook is not good for mental health or for productivity. I not addicted because nuff times internet unavailability mean I not online. But like how sugar not good for health..and well..


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