Sweet potato with cheese and cleaning windows at sunset..

Contract term is ended. No indication from the client if they want to extend. The work is not done. I feel weird. Should I quit politely. I need the money.
Don't quit. The out of control feeling instead of a feeling of a job completed and well done.

Other jobs though. Cooking for caregiving is a nervous process. The food is not what I would like to eat, there is a cycle which I could break if I find ways to work time around the meal times.
Guilt at not wanting some food when others have no food.
There is no motivation though to reorganise.

The windows are dirty. They need cleaning. The El Nino dust is lingering on things which should be disposed of but there is sin in broaching those subjects.

The place is hot. I should get up and move. I don't feel like it.

Not like when I used to get up and go and run. It is easy to sit. There is enough junk to watch on the Internet.

A few requests for information come in and I answer them. I take my time to compose an email offering unsolicited help to someone who had me on a virtual restraining order one time but has apparently lifted it.

An email from the past. I am nervous about replying and saying yes as I don't want to remember how things were that week six years ago and how things have changed. I say yes.

I feel restless. Should I start the cleaning.  I go to take a nap but that doesn't work out. The evening is coming fast.

Something happens. I decide, let me go , start.  Water, cloth, dusk is outside. Newspaper. It is amazing how easy it is, as so many other tasks are once started.

I get through the tasks. Later than I would have wanted to and less than I thought I would expected.

There is sweet potato salad left overs. I could try something different. Put cheese and tomato on it. 

At least some things were completed.


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