Mindfulness an' mekin roti..

Feel the white flour and the brown flour and baking powder with the fingers. Lift the flower in the  basin and feel it in the tips and for the moment shift the mind away from the other pains.  Rub the margarine in until it is fine crumbs. It is easy to slip back the mind and do it mindlessly, but I think if I focus and throw good energy there is hope that the dough would mix good and everything would come out arite.

Now for the water.. take the hands.. turn the hands around. Shift the body and watch what is happening.

Don't move the eyes away and let thoughts wander and think of anything else.

Let the fingers do the thinking if the dark clouds are too heavy and you can't imagine anything else. If you find yourself stopping, come back.

Don't worry about the work madness or the other things.

There is a certain time to finish kneading to let it rise.

Don't worry that you can't make them round, and the anxiety of which ones would swell or which ones would not.

Each one will be different. Roll out and forget any other things which come to mind related to what you are doing on the table.

Now for the dance - table, tawa, microwave to saykay, basin.. with flipping on the tawa in between.  It could be automatic, there is relief in just focussing on the dance and nothing else for these moments.

One, the other, the next, back again. Swing the hands, move the feet across the kitchen.

Till it's all done. Some swell, some swell half way, some did not swell. Same batch but different things happen. Some browner than others, heat has a way of working.

But task finished. Until the next time. Dark clouds always there.. but some light in the work done.


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