Beans and walking home from school...

The young man said 'we have to walk in single file'. We were near Thomas Lands & Camp Street, outside Queens College. We had both attended the school , about twenty five  years apart.. and we had both walked home from school along the same route.

I said nah man.. we used to make it two aside. Single File brings back memories of corridors and stairs.. single file left hand side.

Except now, the cars are faster on Thomas Lands.. and we had to walk in a kind of single file and feel the breeze of the vehicles passing close.

There is nowhere really for pedestrians to walk now and with the prosperity in Guyana, every road is a race track to show off.

But it was interesting walking home from school.. 'cross the road here.. you will see that it is easier than walking straight up'..  and cutting across a muddy part which was not there before.

Walking and thinking of 'A' levels and what would happen post 'A' Levels, and almost 30 years later walking down the road when 'A' Levels no longer mattered and what would happen after 'A' Levels has already happened.

There was something about how the youth carved the path and I had to realise that even though I remembered and my feet were moving from memory, there were changes which are about the present. The youngster is now contemplating University and other kinds of education and learning and me remembering when those things were the most important things to think about on that same stretch of road.

Came home and ate some beans and rice, which I had cooked earlier. Memories too of the first meals at University days.. beans were cheap, quick, and tasted good with seasoning and so.

The irony in all of this, is that earlier when thinking of the past, I had vowed, there is no going back, but the Universe has its own way of pushing memory around.


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