Timehri Film Festival - a welcome gift (18 May to 20 May 2016)

All sources of images acknowledged (still from Papa Machete, still from Alguna Lugar)

Papa Avril, Papa Machete remained in Haiti. He decided to teach the Machete Dance to his sons and others - the dance was done in secret.  In the Bahamas, they treat their fellow CARICOM citizens as second class - they too biggoty says one citizen about the other citizens. In Barbados, a Trinidadian woman tries to make money to send home, and it is not easy. In Dominican  Republic, three friends.. different races, go on a road trip. (Who could imagine a road trip on one of the Caribbean islands. In Guyana, a boy is annoyed that his hero turns out to be an Antiman, and an old woman hopes that her grandson gets a better life in the United States.

The Timehri Film Festival  is a meant to be an annual film festival of Guyanese and Caribbean films - Caribbean in its broadest sense including the non-English speaking Caribbean. The organisers are a team of film enthusiasts with connections to Guyana and the Caribbean

The 2016 festival is at Moray House Trust.  The films are interesting. Some of them are brilliant , some are not so brilliant. The festival is not a competitive one, and the organisers have sought films which have been acclaimed in other places.

The festival is an amazing gift to people who like different kinds of films and who would be relieve to see the Caribbean on screen as more than just hurricanes or sex sand sun and rum and homophobic music.

If you have time, please check out the remaining films at the festival.

Some other films are  available on Anansi

Admission is Free.


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