Bom dia and fitness fuh de jubilee Parade : Groundings April 2016

"Bom Dia" the boy said. He and his friends said they did Portuguese in school and he wanted to test me. The rule was that everyone had to answer a question when they collected a book, but this time I was being questioned.

"Qual é a sua nacionalidade?" - I heard him say, and I said 'Guianense'.. he looked surpise and said something which I thought meant where do you live and I said Georgetown... 

He laughed. I asked him what nationality he thought I was and he said 'not from here.. ' I said no man, I am like yall..

Another woman picked up a National Geographic. Her face was a bit stern, like she had a lot on her mind. I asked her what she thought of the jubilee and what she plans for it. Her face lit up and she said "Yes, it is something good, I am looking forward, to celebrate the 50". She said she was planning to join the Digicel Fitness thing at Bourda so she could be in the Float Parade.

A younger man who also took a National Geographic said he thought the jubilee was a waste of time and money, he wasn't expecting to make any more money. 

Another question was 'What will you differently this year from last year?' A young woman with two book said she hoped to be a nicer person 'like you guys, sharing books..' . A man who saw us at the beginning did not seem to believe what we were doing.. he wanted a few pictures and asked if he could give us books and I said no, you have to come yourself and interact with people.

Some of the school children remembered from the last time. One said 'yeah, I enjoyed the book' I asked if he remembered the name and he said he can't remember , it was like that one and he pointed to a novel.

A 7 year old girl picked up a book - I said that looks big for you and her mother said.. no no she reads anything. Another girl said she likes to read but did not have time to join the library.

 One of the boys came back and asked 'Yall gun be here tomorrow' .. and I said no, no.



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