One day good, one day not so good..

Woman asked 'have you figured out yet what causes the ups and downs' and I said that one of the things I have stopped doing is trying to fight up over what causes the ups and downs and just get through.

One day.. work done, almost like a normal day.. next day.. concentration a bit all over the place, the itchy nose and so on which means a cold might be coming on and then in between random conversations and requests for things...

One of those days where it feels like stuff is being done, but not the same focus so it is not clear what's happening. Starting the day with repeating some of the mistakes which I had promised not to repeat and then feeling like things going back a familiar way. Eating.. again.. junk... easy to find junk.

Things to be done, but they are postponed. Thinking of  how to get back on track, or wondering if I should bother until I do get back on track.

Having to learn to still the mind though, while waiting and not be arguing about the time being wasted while waiting .. but the fiddly things can be done.

Yep.. so one day is good, the other not so good, the next .. who knows..  just got to let it flow.



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