ICT Conversation : Why GIS? and How to Fast Start in a developing Country

The CEO of Brainstreet, Lance was just appointed to the board of the Guyana Energy Agency so the ICT conversation with the three people who were there at 130pm started off with renewable energy, possibilities, problems and the fact that Guyana has 5 hours of direct light on average a day and other things.

Vijay Datadin  led the discussion. His Presentation was designed for people who work in IT and are now becoming familiar with Geographic Information System (GIS) concepts. GIS applications present spatial data in a visual way.    Vijay looked at the opportunity for GIS , using the model shown here.

The Hardware available now extends to smart phones, hand held GPS. The GIS day activities helped to raise awareness. The Software available has been expanded with the use of FOSS 4 GIS. 

The conversation included the need for the policy and standards, the move to Open Data in a culture which did not rapidly share data; socialism and the use of old German Trucks versus the more modern ones , and used tyres, etc (budget was the day before and one of the conversation participants is an avid advocate of socialism, free and open source software and old German trucks . )

The Guyana Geoserver portal is an example of Open Data sharing.

Two initiatives which were talked about for the future include :-
- Open Street Map Mapping Party
- Google Street View Party

There are also plans with Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry to have an ICT expo in March 2016.


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