Lavender dreams and blue and breeze

A friend had said use Lavender to deal with itching , and someone said it was good for sleeping.

First time I used it, the dreams were weird, all night. vivid. I decided not to use any more.

Last night though, stomach churning from the junk and body feeling weird and spirit feeling sick at everything which had to be dealt with.. I rubbed my palms with lavender and inhaled before going back to the computer to fix a problem which could not have been fixed for 5 days. I lost about  4 working days this last episode, functioning in other ways .

A man shared some post about rubbing lavender on the foot bottom to help with sleep..

The dreams were weird again last night, dreaming about dreaming and so on.

Woke up though, and was glad to get up to get the various tasks done. Doing the tasks and thinking about the thing I have to write, and the other thing to write and the challenge which will come with the other meeting I was dreading from negotiating with people and not feeling tired thinking about it.  Starting a semester teaching people who not really interested in the thing you teaching about but who want good grades and not feeling as though I should quit.

Watching my favourite blue sheets billowing in the breeze.. something about the breeze.. even though it is blowing rain clouds away.

I have no clue why the change or what it was. The deep bellied laugh from the woman last night who has never once said to me 'what you have to be depressed about' but who talk about lavender and nutmeg and so on.

Knowing that another episode will happen again and not being anxious about when.


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