Ignoring bright sparks and doing the mundane..

Something about the cotton wool.. like this blanket with varying thickness through which there are bright sparks of ideas of things which could be done.

A few days of not being able to be productive but doing things at a top-top level, things which could be done without much thinking - trying to do a thing which requires thinking and tuning out after 10 minutes.

Some big jobs around to be done which are mundane but which require a kind of consistent energy which is not easy to muster up now.

Can't even read because it is difficult to concentrate .. so not quite a holiday.

Words have to be woven and one bright spark has an idea of the one thing. Other ideas of folding newspapers and sharing out love in them have to be put on hold.

Walking out to take some sun and get a task completed.  Scrolling up and down the Facebook page without even seeing anything and then random reading and listening to a variety of surprisingly good things ..and hoping that things are being stored for when they can be used.  One thing needs a response but no energy really.. what is the point?

A year ago today the journal said that I was feeling about the same as I am today.
It is funny. I came through that a year ago so I have to wait until I get through.

No bright ideas to be thought through or implemented now, just passive absorption and doing the mundane.


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