Hot sun as calming..

Start the day of with slight anxiety at an event in which I would be spectator. Also with a kind of manic thing to do a thing so that I could show I could still do new things.

 Anxiety abates in a way as I carry on a conversation about plantains .. my ability to talk in depth about things which I do not know covers other inabilities.

Then there are conversations which have the head swapping gender, ICT, government and then mental health.. going on the spot and talking with a woman interviewing people about what can be done about suicide in Guyana who said that nobody told her there was a helpline (the numbers are Telephone -223-0001, 223-0009, 223-0818 Cellphone – 600-7896, 623-4444).
There is something about the madness around madness and body feels a bit restless. Tried to calm down and carry on conversation. Felt shaky.

Come out in the hot sun and feel it. Mind whirling with different things.. things which could be done, things which have not been done, reasons why things are not being done..

Reach the market.. buy junk food and then sweet pineapple, piece pawpaw, four bananas and five dodgy mangoes for $100. Hot sun warms like and mind starts thinking of cool breeze.

Things calm down. Mind is a bit tired.. easy to find low mind activity things to do. Other big mind activity things have to be done.

Woman asks for me to do something and I say yes without thinking  much.  It will be done.


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