The break which is never a break..

"Walk , exercise, do something" is the alert that comes up in the afternoon. There are things about short sabbatical or short breaks. Try to do things new and complete.
Self employment though and there is work lingering.
Man asks if I would give a talk to some high school students and I say no, no.. but I will help to find someone. And feeling guilty about it.

Contemplating asking about a break from another job, which is one of those if you don't work you don't get paid kind of jobs. Don't want to ask .

There is a book with some essays which I thought I would read on the break so I could improve the writing after the break.

There are exercises I want to try.. the days go by, but the break is not happening and there is anxiety that the time allocated for the break will pass and no break has happened. Feel that I am wasting time and that I should be consumed with productive tasks while of course saying, but you supposed to be on a break.

There is probably a need to integrate break into the days so that there is a periodical rejuvenation.


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