Moving the mask, adjust to function, managing..

Man asked 'How's the depression?' and then quickly said 'I don't really want you to slip into a phase'  . It is true that people could be scared that reasonably seeming functional human beings could trip out, break down, cry all over the place and just become really difficult to handle.. so things have to be handled gently with people who have disclosed they are mad.

I tried to explain that really and truly there are no deep phases, just times which might be triggered by various things when it might become harder to mask things or to function. Other times of course it is easier.

A lesson I have learned is to not pretend with anyone and also to know when people might be bored or bothered so as to gently say.. let's move the conversation on because you don't really want to know.

One thing with learning to move the mask is to cut through crap and try to work on being honest without causing harm in the communications.

People have asked 'what do you do?" and fumbling for an answer could consume energy.

The answer which would not do well at a cocktail party or interview is .. I manage mental health, try to get through every moment of time and to be useful and find ways to ensure that I could earn money to sustain myself as I manage mental health, try to get through every moment of time and be useful and find ways to ensure that I earn money ....

Concentration is an issue some days. A man I know said he is meditating every day and it is working out for him. 

Recently, physical exercise is easier some days than other days. There are mind body connections and the mind controls how much the body does and does not do. Acceptance is key as time moves like . 

Moving when you do not want to move. Getting up when you want to lie down. Talking to people when you do not feel like talking to anyone. Reading when you don't think you should be reading. Celebrating nurturing situations and reflecting on those which seem negative and not bothering too much with them.

And laughing, laughing is important.. not the laughter which comes from cynicism or masking pain but laughter which comes from a bit of detachment and working out the absurdity of things .

And not really answering the question 'what do you do?"


  1. Hope you feel better.

    I am glad I have hypomania to balance things out. Also I know I this is for a short duration.

    I am quietly very proud of myself because this is the longest I have ever worked in an organisation in my entire life. I am over my old record by five months.

    But the merger means that I have to change my approach I think,.. didn't anticipate that,.. but have begun to lay that cover.


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