Haldi,detachment in a noisy minibus and eucalyptus oil

The woman looked at me and smiled and said.. oh, you had called right? Nice happy face that generated a laugh from me.. how you know? And she said.. well I see you taking out your card.. I said.. you could be a detective..

Woke up and felt complete fatigue.. feeling like if it was the end of a fight. Tried to do the stretches and so, the coffee did not really help. It was supposed to be the first day of the break but it seemed like breakdown .

Things to do. I decided not to do them.  Two blasts from the past. Body aching in parts and I think I could detach from the body with frivolous things but heaviness prevails.

Lunch was good.. first time dhal rice and eddoe leaf bhaji . Still feeling heavy. Decide to go take the nap which isn't always good.. kind of fitful and the heat..

Body moving and decide to do a task. Then a cup of tea with some of the strong haldi, tumeric. A little bit and the whole cup is yellow and tasting.

A bit of this and that. I thought of the tests.. thyroid function and so. Hair feeling heavy. Decide to go cut the hair. Minibus is noisy.. school children inside. Wondering if to ask the driver if he cant do anything to uplift the children and then didn't bother. Mind is like the body.  Wishing i could do some useful work and frustration that I am not doing it which just slows things down more.

"You see how dey showing dey true colours" Barber is Jehovah Witness and did not vote. My mind on other things and his mind is on other things and we didn't talk like we used to. 

Jump in an emptyish minibus. More loud music. coolie man driving. I chill down. focus on getting to my next stop to sort out tests. Body not feeling so heavy.

Bus driver stop near a group of school children. Black school children. He raise the volume a lil bit. Song about somebody punching she and so on.. I try to listen to see if maybe it is some conscious lyrics. I thought of national unity and love and so on and if there was another coolie man like Swami Aksharananda driving the bus..  if perhaps , the future of the kids might be guaranteed to be different. punching or no punching. Jump out the bus.

Bourda Market.. the sewage is there. Machine doing something. food there.. not far from the sewage. Body is moving and I feel a bit better. Don't know if the tumeric is working its magic or the eddoe leaf bhaji or what.

Loud bus coming home again. small children there. Have to come in and out the bus and like the movement is easy. NOt much pain.

Come home to rub some eucalyptus oil on my nose as I breathe in and out and try the yoga. It is afternoon and body is moving in a way like I had hoped earlier.

Mandir. Singing. Pandit talk controlling the senses, the detachment. I like that.. I could detach much easier if I did not have to wince every time I got up or moved off a stationary position. Pandit talked about shanti and not fighting. I know.. at some point in the day I stopped fighting.

Taxi man and I talked about death. We laughed, yep death is certain. But dying can be frightening. Best thing to do is to live well.


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