Mistakes in the humidity

A lot of mistakes being made. Universe has a way of throwing triggers . There is need for concentration to organise work. There is need for creativity to present some work.

Some mistakes can be covered up. Other's cannot be covered up.
The place is humid and stifling and the feeling of heaviness is made worse by the mind not wanting the body to move except urgency like reaching for the cinnamon and mint tea with honey in the hope that the honey is better than sugar. Humidity is good though since the bed is not comfortable and lying still is not an option.

Trying ginger as well to help. Doing the stretches so that the body could feel lighter even if the mind does not but then the body does not move on its own really and the stretches must be felt which is a mind thing again. But the mind stills the body in so many ways.

The creativity is needed in the work, and also in solving so many of the problems around and problem solving requires concentration and not battling with the feeling of wanting to go and eat sugar, lots of sugar and not do anything else for awhile.

There is something about new beginnings when the past finds way of poking into the present.  I hope it rains to cool down the place. 


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