Dealing with the energy lows and not-so-lows..

There was a woman who used to walk with huge Bible up and down Brickdam in the hot sun. Phenomenal energy - she used to be a teacher and apparently walked everywhere. One time she had asked me why I was more qualified than her to do the job I was doing and I could not really answer.

I am thinking of all the mad people I know who have energy. Just as  how I decided that I prefer the body pains over the itching, I wonder what it would be like to dealing with a mental condition which fuels intense activity and has me running down the road over and over rather than one which results  in the unpredictable energy flows.  Mornings when I could get up and move quickly and get a whole set of things done, and then other days when it takes longer to eat an orange.

I wonder if the diet is responsible. The sugar thing on my mind because a kind of hangover after binging on sugary stuff and then I think of the last time I woke up after a high energy night and was able to do the morning surya namaskar in record time. That day I had beans stew and rice and I don't think I had any sweet things.

I wonder if the heat is responsible. Not the heat, but the humidity but every now and then when I do go out and walk in the after lunch sun, it feels good. Movement is always good.

I wonder if the moon is responsible for pulling the body fluids in all directions. Low tide and high tide.

I turned down too things to contribute to public service in Guyana because as I thought of the energy needed in invoking skills to deal with things , I said no though another me would have said yes.

There are other smaller projects which needed doing - it took my 15 minutes to clean some windows that needed cleaning but it took awhile to get going before I started it. There are some major projects and some minor projects and even as I think, one by one, the mind and body do not seem to want to move on them.

One work project took a bit longer, some of the technical issues require a little more mental effort but I did not have the energy even as I also did another complex thing one afternoon .

For well being of course, I should monitor and see what causes the lows and what causes the not-so-lows.  But that will take energy too.


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