Writing about a wet lily when things are overwhelming..

The amazing writer asked so 'what are you up to today' and I couldn't answer properly because the list of tasks which require different kinds of skills make no sense when the overwhelming urge is to lie down and be quiet and try to wait for the moon to change its phased or whatever it is that has the clouds weighing down.

I start cutting up the pumpkin to cook but thinking of the two other tasks which have to be done and I want to try new things with the pumpkin so I stop cutting up the pumpkin and then resume the other task while thinking of the third task and waiting on a call about the fourth task and thinking of the pending fifth task which requires some problem solving skills on a project from over a year ago which I have to relearn the details which are not related to new ways of cooking pumpkin.

The body feels weird after the sleep with the the nuts/popcorn/cheeze stix induced dream disturbed sleep and I have been wishing for 8 straight hours of dreamless sleep. Body is sluggish, joint pains and so.. and mind not interested in moving it too much.

Mental health on my mind as I confirm that the two facebook profiles contacting me are actually the same person who is a brilliant person according to the confirmation but that there used to be a third person but it is down to two now.

Another Facebook message meant to be kindly but a reminder of the past.. celebrating that the memories are not painful any more but laughing at how on a day when I want to forget and focus on the future and build success and not be consumed by failures.. how a little message can remind us of our realities.

Deciding to succumb. No work can be done just yet. I have to go realign my head. Keep fingers off the keyboard.  I go looking for something to put on the blog post though because writing does help in a way.. and the wet lily.. with the rain drops and the camera that I am trying to understand.

Now to get the body in order. Yoga for as long as it takes and to hell with the stiffness all over.  So instead of mindless lying down in the dark and sleeping for hours, going to do some stretches and focus on the pains and the release because like writing about nothing, I know that helps too.



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