The Yoga of hoarding envelopes to reuse/recycle some day..

When it becomes difficult to manage mental health, I go and try to do small tasks like pack up the drawers or the book shelf.

Today was to sort out the plastic bag of envelopes which I have to recycle/reuse.

I do not know how many people hoard envelopes. I found an envelope with a 2007 post mark.  There are other envelopes , nice Letter size, which had brought the information from Universities way back in 1987. I used one the other day to post stuff.

So I go through the pile of envelopes. There are some beautiful ones which had come with wedding invitations and I have no clue what to do with them. Maybe I will use them for my own wedding invitations. So I will plan my wedding just to reuse them.

I used to carry the envelopes to the office where I worked where recycling was encouraged. These days a lot of emails and so are used, so I have no need of envelopes as much.

So I go through the pile of old envelopes, and the bits of cardboard which I think I could use for something (I use for book marks ).. and then the blasted pile remains the same because I think , shoots I can use these for something else.

It is easier for me to give away clothes, close off relationships , recognise that people I thought are friends are no longer friends than it is for me to throw away envelopes and other bits of paper 'which might come in useful'.

I don't make lists, so envelopes not useful for lists. I could chop up the envelopes to make small note paper. I could refold the envelopes into funky shapes for Groundings.. heck I might just do a Groundings so that I could reuse the envelopes.

I recognise envelopes that had been reused, but even after their reuse, they are still useful , so I will not throw away.

And no, I do not think anything is wrong with me. I will sort the envelopes into different piles now, piles which could be reused as envelopes, and piles which could be used as ordinary paper.

I might write a love letter to a former loved one using the used envelope and then stuff it into another used envelope and post it.

Or just leave them until the next time the mental health is too difficult to manage when I could sort them out again without throwing away anything.


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