Sage tea or is it?

A week with varied work including a workshop with young people which I did despite my inability to be patient with the fidgeting and the fussing which happens when gaffing with teenagers especially and a two hour drive from No 68 village, Corentyne to Church Road, Subryanville - yeah.. driver who was in a hurry..

So I boiled up some hot water with ginger and a 'sweet sage' tea bag. I don't know what the sweet sage is good for, but maybe sipping the tea is a good thing as you can calm down.

A Shopkeeper asked a friend and me to taste his iced tea made with sage, lime and nuff sugar.. I have no clue what sage is supposed to taste like. It tasted good and since I have been looking for caffeine free things to drink in the evenings, I bought a pack of his sage tea , stored in a dusty showcase which had things like Golden Cock and Silver Pussy.
No dates on the pack of tea bags. Made by Guyana Rainforest Herbs.
The taste is not bad.. not too strong.

It is strange how we are told not to trust strangers and I buy this tea bag which might be made of any dried grass mixed with a lil ganja. I know people tell me that you must not buy 'bush' from any and everybody because they could just give you anything and call it miracle.

I thought of the ganja because once I am home, I have been drinking it every day, in the afternoon. I have not noticed any difference in my health and well being, beyond the nice feeling you get when you drink a cup of tea.

I have mixed with honey, one time with a bit of milk. I have put a bit of orange peel as well.

I am drinking though, and wondering if it is just grass. But it doesn't matter. It isn't poison as far as I could tell.


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