Baigan and eddoe curry with bird pepper and back pain at dusk

Walking through the YWCA compound from Croal Street to Brickdam and hearing the voices shouting "bheri must go". Back ginching all the time - emails to be answered with tasks related to work which should have been completed seven years ago and then three years ago like some karma relapse.

Moon is all over, and mental health is tough to manage. There is something about picketing the Minister again, the PPP and its sickness when instead I could have been working on new things and being creative rather than feeling as though things keep going backward with every step forward.

Something though about the women at the gate of the Ministry of Health moving to the chants. It is like if they want to be there shouting bheri must go.

Marvelling through the clouds that the Guyana Trans United is the most vocal and leading the chants.  Seeing some people who don't normally come to pickets.

Watched a young man go by who used to cuss up the PPP but now defending them .. and thinking that even though the spirit is supposed to be used to it, it is difficult to adapt to the various madness.. to the anti-coolie racism , the anti-black racism which emerges now . Since bheri cuss out, to the permission for the PPP supporters, the men especially to say yeah.. slap sheh.. it doan matter regardless of who condemn., or that it is okay to take the stupid apology which is not an apology.

Sit in a minibus and the driver is held up by a traffic police who using his power to stop minibus as he see fit. Come out minibus with the other passengers. Driver and conductor fuming, feeling powerless.
Take respite in ice cream - double chocolate chunk, tiramisu and fudge ripple.  Back still hurting. Body still feeling tense.

Stare at the emails with the things to fix. Move around.  Say to hell with it, go do yoga and breathe deep. Is a nice evening, colours and so.

Yoga poses cannot be done.. back pain. How the hell to chill out and stretch?
Find some, do it. Breathe a lot. It is not like when I could do the whole routine, but body not feeling so tense.

Baigan and eddoe and shrimp curry and rice for dinner. Chop up some of the parsley. Baigan, eddoe, parsley and tomato in the curry come from one farmer. Put a bird pepper with it.

Eat food slowly. The masala and bird pepper got a nice flavour on the mouth.  Drink water. Drink diclofenac and wonder about the stomach burning.

Sky is still blue. That kind of night blue. Day is done.  Emails still there with the tasks to do.


  1. What you can do is damp a towel in hot water and do forward bends pulling down towards your legs,... basically you are giving yourself a heat massage of sorts.

  2. I put a picture on my blog to show what I am suggesting.

  3. Thanks.. hat one.. that is what I can do if the back is not hurting LOL.. but thanks for tip of using the hot towel.. i will investigate some more


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