All Fool's manifesto for Guyana 2015

It is All Fool's Day before the 2015 elections and perfect for a Fool's Manifesto for those who not voting but might have dreams of things to come which have not been planned.

My Fool's manifesto for Guyana is in the table below. It isn't complete because I am limited in my  Foolishness.

Human Rights
Guyanese human beings will be centre and priority of any development strategy for Guyana. 
Guyanese Human beings will not destroy the environment. Guyanese who want their rights to be recognised will not litter.
There will be no beating of children in schools, regardless of what the beaters say. The beaters will be sent to the Marriott for one week for workshops on how to be decent people facilitated by former Presidents and Prime Ministers. If they continue to beat their children, they will be allowed to stay at the Marriott until they learn how to deal with children without abusing them.
Parents of children who are sent to NOC, will also be sent to NOC.
LGBTIQ citizens will have the same rights as others and the laws will be amended as such, regardless of what the homophobic say. 
The recommendations made through the various UN Treaty Bodies will be implemented. There will be no excuse for consultations with those who want to oppress others.
Guyanese will work on the violence and rage issues
All political parties will have child protection policies and sexual harassment prevention policies.
All of the people who attended school since Independence would know how to read and write
No child who reaches Grade 6 would be allowed to leave unless they can read and write
There will be working toilets in every single school
Teachers will not beat children;
There will be a maximum teacher to class size ratio of 1:20.
There will be no pictures of Ministers or anybody else in the classrooms. Instead the children will put up their own pictures of what they think Guyana means to them.
The University of Guyana will be fixed.
One woman to one bed in all hospitals. In the event beds run out , the Marriott will be used .
Georgetown Hospital will be the speciality Hospital. Quality universal health care will be guaranteed.
Agriculture/Food Security
Incentives, laws, violation of WTO treaty agreememnts will be put in place to flood the markets in Thailand with Guyana tamarind balls, and the markets in Costa Rica and Suriname with Guyana plantain and cassava chips.  This learning is needed before the decriminalization of marijuana before Jamaican marijuana floods Guyana's markets and killing the local industry.
Sugar industry will reformed to produce enough sugar for local consumption. This will decrease as Guyanese try to reduce their sugar consumption.
Stanley Ming's quinoa is not a bad idea. There are many other crops which were introduced to Guyana over the years. However, insisting on growing crops to push market price demands instead of thinking about food security will see us ending up in the mess with sugar and rice.
(Rice Industry will be sorted out, it is difficult to know whether it is in crisis or whether it is flourishing )
I will spend less time on the Internet and more time trying to plant in a flood prone area. I hope to plant mushrooms (the eating kind)
The Railway Embankment in Georgetown will be used as a plant nursery instead of parking lots for fast food joints and other entitites.
All people who big in sports and who cannot read and write will learn to read and write, heck, even pass some CXC subjects
Every Guyanese will engage in some healthy physical activity
Costa Rica's energy experience will be studied and replicated. There will be a proper renewable energy policy which will be implemented with incentives for those who want to use renewable energy sources.
Each NDC will identify a space or spaces to be used for exhibitions, performance, classes, education at no charge to the participants.Each NDC would have a voluntary Arts & Culture Group to stimulate local cultural expression.
The Executive Presidency will be abolished.
Talk of Unity will be scrapped. There will be recognition and acceptance of differences, promotion of healthy conflict and use of  consensus building to work on all the things which need consensus.
The Ministries and all Government buildings will abolish the dress code they have on the gate.
There will be a local definition of what corruption means.  Public Servants who ask for a lunch/raise/Christmas will be engaged as stakeholders in the discussion about how to deal with corruption Police who get a raise/ticket/whatever will be asked about how to deal with corruption.
There will be local Government elections at fixed dates without any intervention by the President or anybody else.
All work will be valued - house work, caring work, domestic work, teaching.
The rest of it is up to the experts who will never agree. 
All roads would have pavements for people to walk on
All roads would have speed humps
Persons with mobile disabilities will have access to special transportation at no cost to them.
Drunk Drivers would not pay fines. Instead, they will do the value of the work in two times the fines in cleaning community playgrounds, teaching reading and writing to their peers, and in educating the public and their peers and alcohol sellers about not drinking.
The Guyana 2030 Infrastructure plan should be considered.

In the 90s. Guyanese were involved in the National Development Strategy. It was a very participatory process, with a young Bharat Jagdeo its champion and many different people involved in different chapters and so. The process of making the initial document was good. It died though.

Stanley Ming's Guyana 2030 is brilliant in its use of research and statistics to provide a vision. I thought that the human component in this vision was missing even though there was talk about Unity and so.


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