The yoga of teking pitchah.

In the dark times, when the depression needs more work to manage, there is craving for sweet and there is  also craving to do something which is creative and which shows some ability to see things differently. The point and shoot digital camera becomes this tool to try to push boundaries when you are not feeling like pushing anything. 

I am no photographer. Blog posts require images - you have to tek a pitchuh and then edit it and make it relevant to what you want to say. Sometimes when playing with the camera and the GIMP software, you see things which you did not know were there. And while wandering around with the brain feeling misty, it is a kind of exercise to look around and see things in details and to turn things upside down.

Like allowing  a camera to take a picture of itself in the mirror.

One irony is that you realise that the final pictures do not really tell any more truths than exist. Pictures can lie, but they are some pretty lies and we can live with them and enjoy making them.

(Audio slideshow about the picture teking that I have done )

It is difficult when you get the image and you cannot create the thing which you have in your mind which you had seen when you looked at the thing you were photographing.

Sometimes when you are lucky, you see other better things and this search makes it worthwhile even if the images do not last forever .


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