Men covering the gray hairs

I hug the man up. One of my heroes. Man I wanted to be. And I notice that the hair colour is not right. It is too uniform.  A little thin. I say, wait , wait.. you dye your hair?
He says, yes, ' you would not understand'. Everything is about image. I am like, but dude.. you of all people.. one of the reasons I wanted to be like you is that you never seemed to give a damn about image.

When I was learning to be a man, I know women dyed their hair. Men shaved and combed and greased, but never dyed.  While being pagally and lampy pampy and not having nice muscular abs was a constant thing  , I  never felt ashamed of my grays.. and thought that masculinity meant accepting balding, graying and so on and laugh it off.

So I am shocked like hell  now. Men my generation. Good men, nice men. Good looking men. Decent men. Dyeing their hair because they grayed too early. I feel like I am being unfair to them to be challenging them about the dye in their hair. To say, guys.. come on man, hair is not uniform in colour.

Don't you know.. that people might look at you and realise you are dyeing your hair and would question your insecurity about yourself?

I forget to hold in my belly many times, but big belly is bad for health and holding in your belly is not enough. Gray hair though is not a problem for health , it might be a symptom of other health issues or not.

I want to say, man.. that dyeing your hair thing.. don't you guys realise that instead of challenging the myth that men should have a full head of black hair all their lives , you guys are feeding into it? Where is the masculinity which used to include some kind of rebellion against these myths? Or is that rebellion all fake?

I am thinking of these guys as I write this and wondering if they would cuss me. People would say 'mind your own business'. Man, but if you are dyeing your hair so that people like me who see it would say that you look nice.. surely , man, I could say to you, there is me, and a few others, who probably say.. it is arite man, keep your gray hair.  The dyed hair thing is like the suit and tie thing.. it is all fake, superficial.

But then again, every man got his own path he choosing. I gotta work on my belly or not as the case might be (or rather my belly to hip ratio).

I will feel sad every time I see a man who I like/love with his hair dyed. But I leaving my blasted hair alone.


  1. It's a vanity thing. We all have narcissism at various degrees.
    While i have plucked greys on my head and recently 2 or 3 on my beard, I welcome and embrace being greyed. I however can't stand the few greys that stand out. The 'inbetween' process to grey I detest. I do appreciate being fully grey or even 'salt & pepered' than just fully black with sprinkles of grey.


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