Honey , money - finding sweetness odder dan shugah..

Original image from http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Raw_cane_sugar_Demerara.JPG
You know the thing.. you say, one biscuit, maybe two, then you say to hell with it what is the flipping point and then take the whole pack of about a dozen chocolate biscuits and you feel nice for a while and feel bad after.

Yeah, I wish I was addicted to running or gym or so instead of shugah. When I am not succumbing to the jam, ice cream, cake, sweet biscuit, grape slice, cake with jam, more sweet biscuit, caramel crunch these are a couple of the things which work to head off the

Honey aint cheap. I don't know if Honey is any less dangerous than shugah and if people would stop poking me in meh belly or my pants waste would not brand meh belly if I move to honey instead of shugah. But honey has other nice properties so I spoon honey in the tea might work than two spoons sugar. But Honey don't taste nice in coffee if you want sweet.

If you do not have money, you cannot buy any sweet thing. Condensed milk price gone up high and I pick it up and put it down, and the chocolate I like also expensive. I am still miserly. But there are cheap things like $40 pack sweet biscuit and $120 fudge, so you have to know how to walk past, and keep enough money in the wallet for just the bus fare home.  And Money now is seriously.. whether to buy fruits or ice cream or sno cone.

Is a good ting dat the ice cream place near me is owned by a man who kill a man when he was drunk and he still driving around.
The ice cream place that I would have gone to every day is too far away and I manage to stay away from it for about two weeks now.  Making the sweet things not available is a way to deal with the cravings.
If there is no shugah bottle on meh table, I would not be dipping into it when I say.. one last time.

Eating Passion Fruit
Passion fruit tastes nice when the seeds not crunched up. So fruits, banana, papaw, mango, passion fruit, pineapple (once you know) help with the shugah cravings. Watermelon doesn't work.  You belly full before the cravings satisfy. Avoid fruit juices though.. they full of shugah.

Saying No
Shugah deh bout. People giving you full bottles of sweet drinks instead of small cups. There is water available as well as an alternative. Thing is.. to say no, or drink the water. If it is not offered, you would not take it. If it is not there, you would not have it. Dem fruit juices got nuff shugah too. And I already planning the many ways I plan to enjoy the cross buns next week.

No to sweeteners
I don't look for other splenda, etc. I friken dem ting. And also I don't want to be a prisoner of my addiction/craving for sweetness. But I understand when people find ways of choosing these instead of binging on shugah.

Yeah.. I know.. all of this sound nice. But truth is, I succumb more often than I should. But is good to keep thinking and working on understanding the cravings and so.


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