4 beer fuh 1000 and he must go now..

Woman walking behind me say that she putting jumbie pun dem, the killers, and that they must punish fuh dead.

Place is crowded. The message on the loudspeaker calling for some order. Parade Ground - Independence Ground, funeral, vigil celebration.

I see a tinted black vehicle wid drinks line up on the roof and a sign with 4 beer for a hundred and other prices. Music playing. Man I know who don't picket, he on his lunch break. He said, yeah.. is nuff like him, they leave their offices and come because it is all they can do. And vote.

Another man said he could come because is not a political rally but a funeral. Many others are there because is funeral and not political (meaning APNU rally).

Two women I had picketed with in the past stand up near a tree and I join them. We talking about police and rape and she said they have plain clothes walking around listening to we.

There is a rape case going on in which justice is difficult to get because the police not doing their work even as the woman is determined to get justice.

I stand at the entrance and take out the Anil Must Go card.  A woman said that done past now and voting will get him out. 

PNC lady come up to share out sticker for APNU/AFC and ask me to paste it on and I said not voting. She seh nah, you voting PPP, you voting fuh yuh people.. doan worry wid you. Man wid a Ministry shirt on come up and sign the placard.

He sign the petition which was going around.

I know, it don't make sense standing at a political event and say that you not voting.   Woman next to me say, dont worry, she is racial. I say, no problems, at least it in the open and we can deal with it. And I hope that APNU/AFC understand that plenty people who not voting might have voted for the PPP before.

Two women talking and conversation turn to homophobia and the lady say, no, no.. is only because he so damn fronting talking about one of the PPP loudmouths. She have gay and lesbian friends.  Three of the gay guys/trans I know are standing up near the corner. One has the "it is time' badge on. I remember walking down Bourda Market yesterday and seeing some guys harassing a young gay guy. He stopped and bent over in response and they laughed while a lady say, arite man, walk your way.

I shake the hand of one of the men, who regardless of which change come or don't come will object and ensure that no gay rights will happen in Guyana.

People got bottles and cups in their hands. I tell a lady how you gun drink man beer, what gun happen? And she ask "how you know I is not a man"?  Another lady with a cup pass couple times, vote dey backside out.  Man who sign the placard come back and say right, he must go now.

Another lady woman the Guyana Times article which cussing up Jagan children who saying that their parents lived humble lives. She seem shocked too at the viciousness with which the PPP are taking on the Jagan family. But me and another lady I aint see a long time remind her that today they will at the house remembering Jagan.

Nuff people in yellow tie with stripes.. the Queens College people, including plenty that do not picket anywhere. Is a nice lime by the entrance to the park. People gaffing and hugging up. I see a lady from Facebook who I now realise change she name from what she had before.

Guyana here. Somebody say that things not to clear who organise what, whether is family or political party or what. That is good, organic. Everybody come for their own reason.
Music cart man wid loud music turn down he music when he pass.

I jump in an East Coast bus and a man ask again, u is an Indian? I said, nah nah,, I is a coolie.. and he look at me like he don't believe me.

I come home and a bird fly in the house and it allow me to take a picture. Universe continues.

The last time I felt this vibe - was at  Guard Rally in Kitty with Sam Hinds and Yesu Persaud  when I was about 19 years old - 1990 or so. Cheddi win election soon after.

Sherlina Nageer wrote about the funeral/


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