Trust through the cigarette smoke..

'Smoking Area : We respect your choice' is the sign up and it seems that everywhere is a smoking area.  Smoke kinds of choke me.

A woman is there, lighter, pack. Smoking. We have a mutual acquaintance. We end up gaffing long after the acquaintance has gone.  One cigarette after another. She asks me to stay. Amazing stories.
She then asks ' Can I trust you'? . I say no, no please do not trust me. She is surprised at my answer. She then tells me the secret as she blows the smoke away in a direction away from my face. Pictures on the phone. She asks my story in incisive ways so I cannot not answer really and maybe the smoke in the dim light must be some kind of screen or not.

I listen through the smoke though and try to breathe in from somewhere else. Strangers , but it is easier to trust strangers . Even those who say please don't.

A man drinking alone and smoking.  When I used to drink, we had a thing that no man should drink alone and do a token thing of holding a glass.  We start gaffing.
Cigarette smoking.. he says that he doesn't smoke at home or office but only when he is drinking. Amazing stories. Personal stuff. Pictures on the phone.
Smoke is around .  He says 'I hope I can trust you with all this personal stuff' . I say no man, you can't but you don't have anything there you tell me to be ashamed about'

This Trust thing. So easy to trust the untrustworthy. But then maybe the secrets are not so secret. 


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