6 scary tings dis Halloween

1. I watch de Newspaper ads and de facebook page..an' it was scary how much more Guyanese in Guyana celebrating Halloween. I mean.. is not like we used to do it and I don't know if de money mekin wid de costumes and decorations Made in China or what. Is not like Christmas or Diwali where people used to mek Homemade decorations and Diyas mek from mud. I mean.. anybody did pumpkin get buy out?

2. A man call an tell me Halloween day dat he get invite to a White Collar Gay party . A donor did tell me dat dere were concerns dat white collar MSMs not getting enough information HIV/AIDS and dat de local Human Rights NGO seh dat is best ot have a nice exclusive event for dem because dey would not go anywhere where low class antiman would be.  And Public Health seh apparently dat you have to meet your vulnerable populations and so.. and apparently de Hurman Rights NGO ask fuh dis and so class prejudices are reinforced (de man wan fuh know is how he get classify as a white collar because right now he aint got no wuk) .  But dis musse private like de Attorney General conversation and I hope is a joke gun play when de white collar MSM turn up and find out dey mixing wid people dey might have considered was lowclass
Or it gun seem dat antiman rights coming not with any transformation of other prejudices .. just like how it happen in de North.

3. I tink just dat how de gay rights people gun free from prejudice and want social justice and equality , dat de social justice people would understand gay rights. And is so dat I get reminded pun facebook dat no.. it doan wuk suh , dat people who vex wid de Attorney General also tink dat de devil deh inside homosexuals

4. Dere is really nutting dat nobody can do bout de Attorney General not going nowhere .. all de Bar Association and Women Lawyers and Human Rights Association and so on can talk till dey blue.. he staying wid he government.. But who knows.. mebbe just like in Pakistan.. after Halloween done.. Georgetown streets would be awash in black clothed white collar people.

Image of 2012 Pakistiani lawyers protesting :  from http://www.thenewstribe.com/2012/06/15/lawyers-take-out-rallies-to-express-solidarity-with-sc/

5. Some story dat how de Mace (not de Nutmeg ting) get tief from de Parliament. And den some story dat apparently , part of the stupidness we deh pun, since 1963 and before.. is dat yuh can tief dis stupid metal ting and dat would be de end of 'democracy' and so.. I mean.. like de buggery laws and cultural centre dress code, we still deh holding on pun symbols dat aint helping we wid nuttin.

6. Iana Seales write she last column (I hope fuh now) in Stabroek News.  Anodda young man who was involved in an impressive non-violent movement also is feeling despondent and trying not to become overwhelmed again by the apathy which Iana had to work with. Anodda young man put pun he facebook dat he wonder if dis is Guyana he coming back to after studying abroad. Anodda young man who study and work hard wondering where 'is everyone?" And while some of everybone might be thriving in the status quo.. others , as the young pregnant woman who get hold for ganja said.. 'are struggling'. and nutting seem to be coming up ahead fuh fix dis.


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