Relief in the very sweet orange flavour tea

Orange peel has more flavour than the orange juice and so a piece of orange peel soaking with the tea bag, and then milk and picking up the sugar bottle and putting it down back again and then saying to hell with it, and two spoons of sugar and relief..

Relief from anxiety about cooking and hoping that the cooking works as the diet requirements are complicated - stomach, taste - diabetic diahorrea/constipation, retching, cooking times.

Relief from anxiety about crises which might or might not come forward, and relief from the idea that bad thoughts would come 'true' so don't imagine thing

Relief from anxiety about the inability to constantly change plans and adjust or anxiety about readiness for immediate changes

Relief from feeling funny at facing people who you can longer talk to because you cannot listen to them as you work out in your head all the things which have to be done

Relief from walking on egg shells as to deal with latent violence around - in people, in the society at large

Relief from not being able to answer the question about what are the plans for 2015, about not being able to give a deadline for a suggested article, from not being able to answer articulately the question what work do you do. and relief from the feeling of being an ass in dealing with a technical issue.

Relief from not thinking of the work which has been proposed with the potential of income but which has not clear starting or ending date.

Relief from not wondering whether there is a circulation problem, why it is difficult ot stand up after sitting for a few minutes and move off., relief from not remembering what it was like to run against the sea breeze. Relief from not worrying which exercises to do to cure this.

Relief from cursing yourself for not doing more and not being able to multi-task, and from not cursing yourself that  you are cursing yourself.

Relief from thinking about how to engage and detach and how to be useful without being committed.

Relief which lasts just a little bit longer than the tea does.


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